Deacons 的近律師行 Trainee Solicitor 收入
“Trainee: (年資:1-3年)月收入 First year $44,000 – will adjust according to other international firms” – Anonymous 20.7.2017
“Trainee : 跟market定期review” – Anonymous 1.8.2016
“Trainee: 月收入 Around 44k, stick to international scale ” - Anonymous 26.2.2016
“Trainee1: 月收入 $40,000
Trainee2: 月收入 $42,000
“2015/2016 Trainee 1: $44,000
Trainee 2: $46,000” – Anonymous 15.5.2015
繁忙日子:9:00am- 9:00pm“– Anonymous 20.7.2017
“正常日子:9:00 am – 6:00 pm
繁忙日子:9:00 am – 7:30 am“– Anonymous 1.8.2016
“繁忙日子:9:00 am – 7:00 pm
空閒日子:9:00 am – 9:00 pm” – Anonymous 26.2.2016
“First-class support and equipment. Renowned training programme. 100% retention rate in recent years. Previous trainees who decided not to stay moved to top international firms. ” – Anonymous 20.7.2017
“”100% retain, 所以trainee完全唔洗因為爭retention而明爭暗鬥, 兩年時間並非一朝一夕, 可以識到好好嘅工作伙伴, 朋友, 或更多… vertical mobility會比其他英美firm大因為香港係總部,香港partners係”ultimate boss”, 但horizontal mobility較小因為唔會無故調員工去其他分部或者affiliated offices。要轉出去很容易,因為始終係香港最大嘅top-tier law firm, 而且training一向在行內很有reputation。“– Anonymous 1.8.2016
“High retention rate. First-class training, well-equipped. High standard of work expected. Trainees capable of moving to other local or international firms if necessary, including magic circle.” – Anonymous 26.2.2016
“Full service” – Anonymous 20.7.2017
“full-service” – Anonymous 1.8.2016
“Full scope of practice. Many specializations.” – Anonymous 26.2.2016
“Colleagues (including supporting staff and partners) are really approachable. Partners are always busy and expect high standard of work from trainees and associates.” – Anonymous 20.7.2017
“”Deacons嘅culture係行內數一數二friendly,快樂指數高,士氣亦很高,因為每月最少有一次optional嘅firm-wise活動,亦有自己嘅firm junk。老闆很願意聽取員工意見,唔係話做樣收下questionnaire就算。希望老闆繼續value員工。” – Anonymous 1.8.2016
“One of the best work/life balance firms. Excellent culture, negligible office politics. Colleagues are approachable and friendly. Headquartered in Hong Kong, but international in terms of exposure (client and training) and interaction (diversity of staff).” – Anonymous 26.2.2016
“Don’t be an asshole. Don’t gossip (this is a deal-breaker which some interns tragically cannot understand). Be polite to everyone.
Phone Interview, 2nd Round or more interviews, Written Tests, Aptitude Tests”– Anonymous 20.7.2017
Phone Interview, 2nd Round or more interviews, Written Tests” – Anonymous 1.8.2016
“Don’t be pretentious. Appreciate genuineness. Competitive GPA, as there are more OxBridge and 1st admitted.2nd Round or more interviews, Written Tests” – Anonymous 26.2.2016
StealJobs全面透露各行各業人工,工時,晉升前景,以及入行攻略,歡迎匿名提供收入資料。 而家仲可以上埋SJ個仔 ==> SJ House,一個網睇晒各區的住宅Rating,快D上來Rate下自己住緊個屋苑啦! Employers who object to or otherwise wish to complain about the above content please contact us via email or press here. The above is mere opinion of the submitter(s) (not this website) only on the working environment of the said company, not from an official source, might be inaccurate, and in no way indicates the quality of any products or services or the level of competence or integrity of the above mentioned company and its staff. 如對本網任何內容有任何意見或投訴,請按此聯絡本網,本網會盡快為您處理問題。以上內容僅為投稿者之個人意見,不代表本網立場,並非來自官方渠道,亦可能不準確,而評論亦僅限於投稿者對工作環境的意見及反饋,與上述公司的員工或產品或服務質素或工作能力及品格誠信完全無關。