pcll conversion expert
Sep 1, 2016
Vacation Scheme 2017
Vacation Scheme 2017 Vacation scheme is one of the most important experiences for law students, because that could determine your cover...

陳莊勤 Mingpao
Aug 30, 2016
明報專訊】我家在港大何鴻燊運動場附近,很多時候乘車出外,在專線小巴上都會遇見港大的學生。大概一年多前有一天黃昏在港大何鴻燊運動場外上了小巴,一同上車的有10多位剛從運動場出來坐車回大學本部的港大學生。 學生們在車上高聲談話,夾雜現今大學生難免的粗口談話中,發現他們都是就讀法...

Aug 25, 2016
Judge chastises Hong Kong law firm handling bulk of city’s torture claims, for misconduct on five ca
Judge chastises Hong Kong law firm handling bulk of city’s torture claims, for misconduct on five cases by asylum seekers Eddie Lee...